Transport Schedules

Timaru’s shipping schedule is updated on an hourly basis and contains information on all vessels entering and leaving the port.
Arrival and departure information is based on information received from Shipping Agents.

Our shipping schedules contain information on individual shipping line services currently en route, as well as details of upcoming services.

Vessels in Port:

Vessel Name Begin Receive Arrived ATA Berth Departs Vessel Operator Last Port Next Port
Olivia Maersk 02-Oct-2024 10-Oct-2024 10:00 NMI 11-Oct-2024 Maersk Line Melbourne Port Chalmers

Expected Arrivals:

Vessel Name Begin Receive Arrives ETA Berth Departs Vessel Operator Last Port Next Port
JPO Aquarius 08-Oct-2024 15-Oct-2024 10:00 NMI 16-Oct-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
Oluf Maersk 16-Oct-2024 23-Oct-2024 10:00 NMI 24-Oct-2024 Maersk Line Melbourne Port Chalmers
Oslo Trader 22-Oct-2024 29-Oct-2024 10:00 NMI 30-Oct-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
Oslo Trader 29-Nov-2024 05-Nov-2024 10:00 NMI 06-Nov-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers

Vessels Departed:

Vessel Name Begin Receive Arrived ATA Berth Departed Vessel Operator Last Port Next Port
Oslo Trader 24-Sep-2024 01-Oct-2024 05:00 NMI 08-Oct-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
Maersk Brani 20-Sep-2024 28-Sep-2024 20:00 NMI 29-Sep-2024 Maersk Line Melbourne Port Chalmers
Samoa Chief 18-Sep-2024 25-Sep-2024 05:00 NMI 26-Sep-2024 Swires Shipping Motukea Island Wellington
JPO Aquarius 10-Sep-2024 17-Sep-2024 06:00 NMI 18-Sep-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
Hansa Australia 05-Sep-2024 13-Sep-2024 08:00 NMI 13-Sep-2024 Maersk Line Melbourne Port Chalmers
Oslo Trader 27-Aug-2024 04-Sep-2024 06:00 NMI 05-Sep-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
Kiribati Chief -- 28-Aug-2024 06:00 NMI 30-Aug-2024 Swires Shipping Auckland Wellington
AS Sabine 13-Aug-2024 20-Aug-2024 05:00 NMI 21-Aug-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers
JPO Aquarius 06-Aug-2024 13-Aug-2024 06:00 NMI 14-Aug-2024 Maersk Line Nelson Port Chalmers